Let me welcome you right away with some insight.
Life isn’t turning out the way I had once hoped.
I don’t feel like I’m doing enough to put myself out there and that frustrates me as I surely have this dream (that I’m quite certain a lot of people share) of leaving my mark–any kind of mark–on this world.
To leave something that proves that my life is, was, and will be worthwhile to this world and that I’m not simply wasting it away.
I don’t want my life’s achievements to be basically described as “I was there and then I was gone”.
Like a finger-written message in the sand that easily disperses under the next undertow.
It’s the age of the internet and so what better way to express myself than through my own website.
This was done a bit on an impulse so I haven’t yet mapped out what exactly I’m going to do with this website but I do plan on using this as a sort of workspace so I don’t think I’ll be able to make it focus on one certain thing.
Maybe it’ll all come out a big jumbled mess, but I’ll figure it out. There is such thing as organized clutter after all.
So hello world and I hope you’re listening.
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